Most of America is on week two now of quarantine and as I take calls from family and friends I can hear the restlessness starting to set in. People are longing for their normal routines. As ready as Colin and I have been to find a house, we feel so grateful to be out on the open road at this time. It truly has enabled us to keep exploring during a period of isolation. The RV parks are as empty as I've ever seen them!
I know many do not have the option to explore right now, so I thought I'd bring the road to you! I'll be sharing an abundance of photos this week in an attempt to transport you out of your home and into some beautiful scenery.
Goodbye Taos...
We awoke to snow covering the ground in Taos before we made our way back onto the road. Not before checking driving conditions as we were a tad nervous to take the trailer through slippery, snow-covered roads. Thankfully we got the clear and set out towards Monument Valley, Utah.

I am full of awe as we pass through these wide-open spaces. Nature never disappoints my sense of wonder. As I pass by these trees and animals submerged in a snowy blanket of coldness and ice, I am reminded of how resilient life is. Important reminders as the world faces hardship. Just as winter's icy hold begins to lift and life emerges, we too will see the sunshine after the storm!
Hello, Mesa verde!
Where do I even begin? On our way to Monument Valley, we both agreed Mesa Verde National Park was a must stop. This was hands down one of my favorite adventures of the year so far. Colorado is incredible for hiking and we are no strangers to her beauty. However, this day was all about exploring the plethora of well preserved ancient Anasazi Cliff Dwellings. They are absolutely breathtaking!

This site features approximately 150 rooms. I imagine what everyday life would be like here in its hay-day. Families working together to care for their crops and livestock, children laughing and chasing each other, grandparents telling stories and passing down knowledge. Pueblo people carved these towns into the sides of cliffs and the general consensus is they did this as a means of protection. It would have been extraordinarily difficult at the time for anyone to orchestrate a sneak attack on the town. I adore history and the simplicity of times before us!

I highly advise anyone passing through the area in the future to schedule this into your trip. With virtually no one else there, it felt like a private tour. Colin and I were all smiles!
Nature's Architecture
One natural phenomenon that always blows me away is the absolutely stunning formations of gorgeous red rocks here in the Southwest. Mother Nature is the original artist! As much as I love the ocean, this terrain will always hold a place in my heart.

We received word from the road that Moab, UT, our next planned stop, is no longer accepting new customers at their RV parks due to COVID-19. Thankfully we can adapt and adjust our plans accordingly. Some small towns and local trails have reported an influx in visitors and it's important that we listen when they set these boundaries. We have re-routed our trip and plan to keep exploring responsibly.
Where are we off to next? Tune in next week to find out!
I hope you enjoyed your virtual trip to the beautiful southwest today.
Did you enjoy the extra photos? Sound off in the comments below.
Thinking of you all from the road!
Stay strong and remember: This too shall pass.
In good health
#janeepennington #newblogpost #lifestyleblog #roadtrip #southwest #ontheroad #ecotrailer #americansouthwest #openroad #country #newmexico #taos #utah #colorado #mesaverde #cliffdwellings #anasazi #pueblo #ancient #history #quarantine #covid19 #coronavirus #exploring #socialdistancing #adventure #thistooshallpass
"I'll be sharing an abundance of photos this week in an attempt to transport you out of your home and into some beautiful scenery."
You know just the right thing to say, Janee!