Hello, friends! We arrived safely in beautiful, sunny San Diego. Our RV resort is bayside and being so close to the water is like therapy after months in the desert. Considering I was born and raised in Los Angeles, it's no surprise I feel a certain sense of home in Southern California. Having family and friends located here definitely adds to the feeling.

Teeming with life
Things feel surprisingly busy here. After exploring towns with barely a hundred residents, or less in some areas, it feels bizarre to view busy highways and an almost full RV resort. Even in a pandemic, during a stay at home order, we're feeling a bit claustrophobic!
Colin and I had to take advantage of our time here and get some much-needed maintenance on the cars and trailer. As I was running errands with my sister around La Jolla, I came across a group completely disregarding social distancing guidelines sitting around on the patio at the Queenstown Bistro. They didn't even have masks with them! However, they did look as if they were stuffed, enjoying themselves in a relaxed fashion. I was able to snap a pic without them noticing me:

San Diego is the epitome of "April showers bring May's flowers". It has been such a treat to see so many different species of flowers in bloom. The city is bursting with color and vegetation, one can't help but be tempted to stop and snap a photo of nature's beauty.
Familiar Faces
Colin has had meetings all week with colleagues in Europe and because of the time zone difference, we have been rising in what feels like the middle of the night (it was actually VERY early in the morning!). We haven't been able to shake the exhaustion just yet.
Though we were tired, it was a delight to have visits from family and friends. We were able to stroll along the beach and even without the normal hugs and kisses, it felt so comforting to be in the presence of loved ones.

Our grandnephew was one of our visitors and seeing him on his bicycle with his spiked helmet was too cute! We watched as he exuded pure joy to be outside, running around, being a kid. It's these moments of normalcy that I am so thankful for. Keeping a mask on a three year old has proven to be quite a challenge!
Remembering the fallen
This coming Monday is Memorial Day and I'd like to take a moment to remember those who have fought and paid the ultimate sacrifice, and to the families whose loved ones never returned. Most of our families have been touched by war so we'll honor the bravery, strength, and perseverance. We are eternally grateful for all the branches of military protecting the freedoms of every American.
A Little bit longer
In last week's post, I know I promised film updates but I will postpone it for the time being. A lot is happening behind the scenes and COVID-19 has presented a plethora of new hurdles and challenges to explore.
Thank you for checking in this week. I hope you all have a safe weekend. Colin and I send our love and gratitude to all the service members and their families, past and present.